
Wooden Armenian Letter Ornaments

Price per ornament is $20. Please complete the order form below if you would like to make a purchase. You will be directed to PayPal to complete the payment after you click Submit. E-transfer is also an acceptable method of payment. Please e-transfer to:

Dimensions vary per letter but the average height and length of the ornaments are around 3 inches.

If you have any questions, please contact Raffy Antranikian at or 613-859-6260.

If you have any questions, please contact myself, Raffy Antranikian, at or 613-859-6260.

Please note that the fundraiser is over; however, orders are still being accepted.

If you would like to order the same letter more than once, then you will have to complete a separate order for the duplicate.
You will be directed to PayPal to complete the payment after you click Submit. E-transfer is also accepted. If you wish to pay via e-transfer, please send e-transfer to